This article consists of  some required skills to become a hacker. To become a hacker, you need to learn lot of skills need to spend lot of hours in learning new things. you should be a good problem solver, expert in computer skills and many more. To become a hacker you are able to think like them. As, it is not easy to become a hacker one should have lot of dedication, patience, and need to experiment again and again until the required task is done. 
Practice, learn things from available sources and browsing but never do illegal things. There are lot of free sites which are providing services to practice hacking skills. These are some skills a hacker should acquire.
Basic skills of computing like creating document, surfing internet and managing files in system. You should be able to known about Emails, Social Media, Spreadsheets and MS-office. One should have knowledge about how to run computers and should be able to manage technology.
To become successful hacker one should have complete knowledge about networking. Networking is one of the important required skill for hacker. You should be able to understand how networks are created and should have vast knowledge on LAN, WLAN, IP, MAC, VPN, DNS, DHCP and Proxy Chains. One should know about Routers, Routing Protocols, Sub-net, Switches, Hubs and Firewalls. At last one should be able to handle those threats.
A hacker should have knowledge about different OS's like Windows, IOS and mainly Linux. It is important and essential to learn Linux skills because almost every tool is Pre-installed in some of the Linux OS's. Start from learning basic commands of Linux. Experiment with every tool from the OS you have selected for practicing hacking and mostly learn important tools like Nmap, Metasploit, Wireshark, etc.
Regarding details of best OS of Linux for hacking you can visit: https://hackersocietyblog.blogspot.com/2020/07/top-linux-distros-for-hacking.html
Programming skills are very important in hacking because creating our own script makes you an efficient hacker. If you don't have programming knowledge you should depend on other's tools. Whenever a  new tool comes in existence many defensive mechanisms also comes in existence.
For best programming language details for hacking you can visit:
This skills develops you how to solve a problem whenever you faced in the technical things. As, a hacker should be massive creative thinker and should be able to come up with a solution whenever a problem is raised. However, a hacker should adopt this skill by practicing lot of times, hours.
Every information, data we work stores on database. A hacker should have knowledge on managing databases, how it has been created. If you have database skills then you can able to hack databases and also you can protect information in it. Web-attacks have been raised in recent times. If you understand how a web application works and the database connected to it then you will able to perform attacks or you can secure it.
Cryptography means study of techniques for safe and secure communication in the presence of third parties such as adversaries. If you learn this skill you can convert readable information to secure files such as cipher text during the transmission between networks. With the help of this skill you can turn your data into encrypted form so that you can protect your data against any authorized access.
Malware Analysis skill consists of knowledge in different type of malware's like Viruses, Trojans, Worms, etc. One should be able to identify and working of those kind of malware's so that you can save networks, systems from it.
Threat Modelling involves of security policy development. This skill plays an important role in identification and assessment threats to system's security. This skill can used on software applications, systems, networks.

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