This article is all about Termux an android application which is used for pentesting. There are so many android apps which are used for hacking but some of them runs if phone is rooted. But, Termux application doesn't require any rooting of your android device. You can convert your android device into Pocket Linux System with the help of this app. Termux almost runs all GNU/Linux commands. It is important that you must be familiar with command line in order to install Termux.
Termux, basically a Linux environment application and Android terminal emulator as it doesn't require any rooting of your android phone that comes with additional packages with the minimal base system. We can install various of packages that are useful for pentesting with help of APT package manager. This application works on basic graphical user interface. It turns your device into hacking machine but for some extent only. Termux is a program that takes instructions and run scripts and also it is not a standalone hacking application. The default directory is /data/data/com. termux/files/home. Don't run scripts  from the browser unless you understand them well. If you want to execute any script that you don't know make sure that your storage permissions are disabled.
Termux installation process is very easy and simple. It can be installed from both Google play store and F-droid. Termux can installed in Android 5.0 and higher versions but from 2020 the support for Android 5.0 and 6.0 too dropped. You can still use this app in Android 5.0 and 6.0 versions but there will be no further available of updates regarding packages.
Steps to install from Google play store:
1. Open Google play store in your Android device.
2. Search for Termux.
3. Scroll and locate the entry by Fredrik Fornwall.
4. Tap install and allow it to complete.
Since, it is based on Linux environment the commands used in Linux distros are used in Termux too.
1. apt update
2. apt upgrade
3. apt list
4. apt show (package name)
5. apt install (package name)
6. ls {lists contents of directory}
7. mv {moves a file}
8. cp {copies a file}
9. rm {removes data}
10. pwd {shows present working directory}
You can access to SSH  with the help of remote server from OpenSSH. You can choose different types of shells such as BASH, FISH, ZSH, etc. In Termux you can install various of hacking tools for pentesting and hacking. Hacking tools like Metasploit-framework, nmap, sqlmap, etc runs on this application.
Metasploit framework in Termux
Termux also supports different types of editors like Nano, Vim, Emacs so that you can edit and also view files. It also supports to work with different types of programming languages that includes C, C++, Python, Golang, Php, etc. In order to code with those languages you need to install any of the editors.

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