How to protect yourself from malware in the Covid era

How to protect yourself from malware in the Covid era

By Guest Author 

How to Ensure Safety From Malware in the Covid Era


Malware or malicious software is now being branded with all types of covid-19 related titles. From covid-19 updates to resources like personal protective equipment, contact-tracing apps, spread charts, and curves.


The attacks have been given professional polish to make them appear genuine, as cyber criminals leverage on the widespread uncertainty to spread their malware attacks. 


Remote workers are some of the prime victims of these attacks. Cyber criminals know all too well that companies have not had the time or resources to set up proper work-from-home security protocols. 


In this post, we will explain what malicious software is, the different types; and share tips on how to ensure that your cyberspace is safe even as you continue to take care of your health as per the guidelines issued. 

What is malware?

Malware is a program that is tailored to infect a user’s computer or any other device and affect it in different ways. 

Signs of malware infection include blue screens, pop-ups of unwanted programs, and a slowed down or constantly freezing device. You may also notice some sent emails that you did not initiate on your outbox.

The 4 common types of malware

Malicious software comes in a variety of forms. They include:


This is malicious software that denies you access to important files or sensitive information. To restore access, cyber criminals normally demand a ransom, usually in cryptocurrencies.


Spyware is software that spies on your online activities and while at it, harvesting your personal information and other important user data such as passwords and credit card information. 


These are advertisements displaying popups. 

They are different from clean adverts in that: a click redirects you to illegitimate sites that automatically download malicious software which either spies on you or aids hackers by harvesting crime-aiding data. 

Bots and botnets

Once installed on a device, bots and botnets give malicious cybercriminals the control permissions over a user’s device. 

An infected device becomes a part of the bot ‘network’ and can be used by hackers to launch other attacks such as keylogging, spreading phishing emails, DDoS attacks and so on.


4 ways to raise your guard against malware attacks

Using a firewall 

You can use a firewall to protect the devices on your network from malicious traffic. It does this by monitoring the data packets to assess whether they are safe or not, before being allowed access to the network. 

You can use a devices’ inbuilt firewall or subscribe for the service from a third-party.

Update everything

To stay ahead of malware that takes advantage of software vulnerabilities, always keep all your devices up-to-date. Enabling automatic updates is an easy way of ensuring that you do not miss out on security patches.

Install email scanners

Install an email scanner software to scan all the contents of incoming and outgoing mail. This way, you will be able to block phishing emails before they get to your inbox. 

Get anti-malware software

An antimalware software keeps you safe by identifying and blocking malicious software before it causes any harm to your device. Like other software, make sure that you update your antimalware to keep up with the most recent threat definitions. 

Other trusted security software to increase protection

A Virtual Private Network

You can also download a VPN for extra protection against malware. VPNs create a safe tunnel for connected devices whenever you are on the internet.

All traffic is secured through data encryption making it invisible from malicious criminals who may be preying on the network. 

Endpoint security

Enterprises can use endpoint security software to secure devices used by their employees in the remote work deployment. This security tool offers an all-round approach of handling malicious threats by scanning, detecting and preventing infiltration into a network. 

Malicious criminals are always alive on the internet. They waste no time and are always ready to take advantage of any situation. Stay ahead of them during this pandemic by employing the above tips.


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