As, we know Kali Linux became one of the most popular and useful distro for Pen-testing. In this article we are going to see how to install Kali Linux in Virtual box and this is very useful for beginners who has interest in Cyber Security field. Kali can be dual-bootable and also kali-live is there to install. If your a beginner don't go for dual boot or kali-live because sometimes system crash may occur it totally damages system. Our focus is to install in Virtual box.
So, Let's do it in simple steps:
Firstly, We need to download Virtual box. Check out this article  setting up pentesting lab where I have provided link to download Virtual box.
Based on your Operating System download the Virtual box. Here I'm doing it in Windows since most of the users use this Windows Operating System.
Click on it then its starts downloading as it is more than 100MB it gets downloaded in few minutes  if you have good and speed connection of internet. Now its time to setup the Virtual box go to the folder or place where you have been downloaded the file and start the process by double clicking on it and then install, finish the setup.
Now, it's time to download Kali Virtual image. Check this out setting up pentesting lab where I have provided link to download Kali Virtual image.
Click on it then its starts downloading we can see it is more than 3GB so take some rest or have a cup of coffee until the completion of downloading.
After downloading go to the folder or place where you have have downloaded the Kali Virtual image start by double clicking on it since it is Virtual image by default it configures your Virtual box and sets up all the requirements then prompts as shown in below figure in Virtual box.
In machine base folder you can set up the Virtual image path as I have partitioned my disk with "K:" of 20GB specially for Virtual machines so I have selected that path and installing there.
Now click on import.
Click on agree to accept the terms of Software License.
As you can see it started importing its take a little bit of time so wait until it completes.
Finally, when it completes it shows as shown in below figure:
We have successfully installed the Kali machine. Before starting the machine we need to configure some settings so click on settings you will see all settings of machine sets up automatically.
Go to USB settings and disable the USB Controller then click ok.
Now, Go to Network settings and select Bridged Adapter in "Attached to" box then click ok.
Again, go to storage settings we need to setup the disk, as shown in below figure click on add hard disk.
Then you will see disks prompt but you will also see Kali Linux-2020.3 disk because I already configured it up that's why you are seeing that. Click on add disk.
And it directly takes you to where you have placed your kali machine select it and click open.
Now choose the disk you have opted.
Then click ok when you have chosen your disk.
Atlast we completed setting up the machine its time to start the Kali Linux - 2020.3.
After hitting the start button you will see Kali Linux 2020.3 gets starting it takes some time to start.
Now you can see login screen default username is "kali" password is also "kali" enter it.
By the end we have successfully finished installing of Kali Linux - 2020.3 in Virtual box.
If you have any queries about installing Kali machine you can DM me in Instagram or you can comment below.

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