This article is about installing of Kali Linux in a USB drive. After installation of Kali we can run live from a USB device. There are several advantages with Kali bootable drive as it doesn't make any changes to host system hard drive or default installed OS. Whenever you remove the Kali Live you can perform normal operations on your existing OS by just rebooting the system. This USB device with Kali Linux in it makes you to carry in pocket and readily available on any system.
To install we require a USB device of minimum of 8GB but I'm using 16GB pen drive for persistence. Persistence saves our data whatever we performed on Kali live in allocated memory. We need to download both Rufus and Kali Live ISO image to complete the required action.
Let's download Rufus first visit link and scroll down till as shown in the picture below:
Now click on Rufus 3.12 which is of just 1.1MB to get installed into your system. It is just 1MB so it downloads in few seconds if you have good internet connection. After setting up of Rufus download kali live. Here is the link of Kali ISO to download.Click on Kali Linux live image to get loaded in to your system you can clearly see I'm downloading 64-bit image because my system supports 64-bit image. We can spot Kali live image is about 3GB+ so it takes time to download so get some rest until it gets transferred into your system.Go to the place where you have set and installed Rufus. Open the Rufus whenever you agape you can sight that Rufus already taken your USB info as you can see 'hackersocietyblog' its showing my pen drive. Make sure that you have plugged your USB device.Here I'm using 16GB to make persistence. It's time to select ISO image which we have downloaded previously.Click on Select option to drag Kali live image.It directly takes to you the place where you have Kali live ISO Image pick that image and snap open.Now you can see we have successfully selected the Kali ISO image in Rufus.After selecting the image all the options like partition scheme, target system are enabled leave that options aside as default as it is. In Persistent partition size box I'm keeping 6GB for persistence out of 16GB. You can keep up to 8GB maximum. Leave format options box as default. You can edit the name whatever you want in volume label but I'm leaving it default. Then, click on start option.After clicking on start option you will get a warning about destroying all the data in the USB device before copying ISO file into it. click on OK.First its format the data as a formality it is a quick procedure. If you have any important data in USB device make sure you have copied that data already in a safe place in your other devices.Now, you can snap the status of copying ISO file. It takes few minutes to copy into Pen drive so wait until the process gets completed.After completion of process you will get Ready option in green color this means we have clearly installed our Kali image into USB. Now click on close option.Once the ISO file gets copied into Pen drive you can see all the files and folders in it. Don't change, modify or delete anything in it.Now, restart the system. Go to your boot menu by clicking boot key for me it is F9. Different systems have variety of boot key like ESC, F12, F8, etc.. Once you get into your boot manager select your USB device.I have installed in San Disk so it's showing that name I'm selecting it. Choose your USB device. When you click on the USB device it opens the Grub loader and shows Kali Linux live boot menu. In boot menu you will have lot of options like Live system and Live system persistence.Live system means you can perform your tasks but it will not stores your files or folders you created or saved. Whenever you open the live system again it will be like entirely newly started process. But, if you select persistence mode at the time of booting the device it stores all the actions, files and folders you have performed. Here for booting purpose I have opted persistence mode.After clicking on Live System persistence Kali Linux Live will gets start.You can see my hosted hard drive in live mode. You can perform your actions there will no effect to hosted hard drives.Start your Hacking with the kali Linux live and have fun legally. If you have any doubts regarding installation process you can DM me in instagram.
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